a tale of 5 vintages — the beginnings of Dicey.


October was warm and frostless. The next two months were miserable. Our yield was less than half of normal. The heatwave came in the new year, and so did the rain. We were grateful for the gentle presence of Autumn who allowed the grapes to hang on the vines till fully ripe.  


The season started warm. The few frosts we did see were harmless. Flowers bloomed and the crop was generous. Then came the cold snap. For three weeks, the grapes stopped growing. It looked bad, but we were lucky. March ended hot and dry. The fruit ripened fast. 


Things started well, and then a cold south west front arrived in December. The vines were flowering at the time and for some, it was disastrous. They had a lot less fruit. We were grateful the rest of the season was a lot warmer and very dry. 


It was almost too easy. Spring was warm and filled with sunlight. There was just the right amount of rain. Late summer was hot days and cool nights. The vines were happy. The grapes were generous and bright. A dream. 


It was normal in Spring. The temperature, the rainfall, the odd frost. Summer was less predictable: cool, sometimes cold. February was wet. In March, normalcy resumed. The grapes were small but perfect.  


This was a season of extremes. Either hot and dry, or wet and cold. Each burst of weather lasted a week, sometimes two. It was difficult to grow anything. Autumn was long and cool which steadied things a little. The fruit finished up a little like the weather: unpredictable. 


songs from the cellar — SPRING playlist.


joining Red+White Cellar.