Dicey on tour.

To kick off the new label launch we thought what better way to celebrate the dicey in all of us than by driving a 1971 Holden HG Station wagon from Bannockburn to Western Springs Speedway in Auckland, plying people with wine along the way.

Thanks to our slick sales team at Red+White Cellars we’ve managed to co-ordinate a roadie that might have provided William Burroughs with enough material to write another book (had he not already popped his clogs).

There’s nothing like the scream of windscreen wipers and the vinyl burn of the midday sun on your bum to really make you feel alive.

Here’s the tour poster. Come and join us if you can.


Follow Facebook and Instagram for locations.

Diceytourdates_Dicey @ Chairs 3 March copy.png

That time of year.


Pinot Noir: an ode