Introducing Chenin Blanc

Most New Zealanders know Chenin Blanc only in the form of Vouvray, imported from France. This was part of the motivation of James and Matt when they planted it.

“In the words of my beautiful wife,” says winemaker Matt, “not another fucking Vouvray — STOP drinking Vouvray.” James, our viticulturist, chimes in, “Chenin Blanc is one of the most under appreciated ‘classic’ wine varietals. It has the potential to shine and to perfectly express its place.”

This first release of Dicey Chenin Blanc is your Central Otago antidote to Vouvray. There’s aromas of yellow-fleshed nectarine, blue borage and blood orange. It’s fresh and vibrant with a touch of sweetness. It’s a bright summer white to enjoy all year round.

Grab a bottle or two >>


Happy days


On frost fighting.