It’s spring. Almost.


September is here — so spring should be along shortly. No sign of her yet, though. It’s been… frigid. These late winter frosts are making us very ready for the changing of season.

We could wax lyrical about spring in Bannockburn, but Otago poet Brian Turner says it better...

Small Town Blues

To hell with the songs

of birds, the buzzing of bees

and the breeze

breathing in the trees,

there’s always someone

who thinks the whole

village appreciates

their taste in music.


You may not appreciate our taste in music, but we assume you’re here because you appreciate our taste in wine. Spring is a good time to turn your mind to warmer days and brighter nights. In short: whites. 

We have a few. Take your pick. 

— The Diceys 


On frost fighting.


It’s not #ChardonnayDay and we don’t have a Chardonnay for you to drink…yet.